Posts made in July, 2014

Coding an e-book

Coding an e-book

Posted By on Jul 28, 2014

A new development for bcgwebdesign recently was being involved in an e-book for client Lorraine Murray at You can see the book ‘Connected Kids‘ on Kindle (other formats are available). This involved cleaning up the book from it’s Microsoft Word formatting and creating clean .epub and .mobi files ready for publishing. The work involved in cleaning up the code is something bcgwebdesign is used to as it involves HTML – the language/markup behind webpages....

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Development rather than Design

Development rather than Design

Posted By on Jul 7, 2014

What’s the difference? A lot of the time bcgwebdesign finds itself doing a bit of both. Clients come with (many) different ideas, some well thought out and structured and others that need more of a helping hand to get to where they want to be. So if you have a great and firm idea about what you would like your site to look like and what structure it needs I end up developing your site rather than designing it. If on the other hand you just know you need a website but don’t know where to start then I help you get the design together and then develop based on that. The design takes that wee bit more time of course as there is more to do! I sometimes work closely with a company that do all the design and project management side of things and then I come in and just do the development bits. When I say ‘just’ it has taken years of learning lots of different programming languages and techniques to get to that stage! So hopefully the difference between web design and web development is a bit...

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